Happy 2020

Crikey, it’s 2020 already. The past twelve months have shot by at a terrifying rate. No matter though, because I love this time of the year. Not because it’s about setting New Year’s resolutions, I don’t believe in those. I think that if something is worth changing in your life, it’s worth changing the straightaway. Why wait until the beginning of a year to make an improvement?

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It Pays To Check In

I wasn’t expecting to get a trade out of ROKU on Thursday. The early part of the morning was nothing special, just some sideways dullness. I went off and made some good money on Tesla, which is where all the action seemed to be. Just as I was about to pack it in for the day, I ran through the core list and saw this setting up…

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The Slow Descent

There’s no denying that some periods of the year are quieter than others. Even the stock market, which enjoys an unrivaled selection of daily opportunities, shrivels to become a shadow of its normally magnificent self in mid-summer and again around the Christmas holidays.

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When Rules Are Not Rules

I wrote recently about the microbubble created around stocks like KRTX, and how irregular traders and would-be traders were being pulled into the market by the apparent ease with which money can be made. I speculated that a lot of money would be lost by those with little experience. This led to some questions from readers of this blog asking about what rules I would use to trade explosive stocks like KRTX.

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