It’s been ages since the last post, for obvious reasons. Not much has changed since then. The world is still, by and large, in lockdown. I’m still taking time out from anything work-like to get on with home-schooling our youngest. And the markets are still profitable. Crazy profitable.
Continue reading “Crazy (Profitable) Times”Rounding Out The Week
Here are a couple of Friday trades to round out the week.
Continue reading “Rounding Out The Week”Back In The Saddle
It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve sat down and traded properly. The whole Walsh family has been sick. No covid-19 here, fortunately, but it’s not been pleasant. The older I get the longer it takes me to get over these things, so even after supposedly beating the lurgy, my energy and motivation have been somewhat sapped.
Anyway, enough self-pity, there’s a market out there to be traded. By all accounts I’ve missed some stellar moves (usual caveats about profiting from other people’s misfortune apply). Monday didn’t strike me as much in the way of special, but on-off core stock GILD provided a couple of nice setups:
Continue reading “Back In The Saddle”Trading While Sick
The whole Walsh family is sick. I shouldn’t complain, it’s not like we’ve been struck down by COVID-19 (not yet, anyway). Plenty of people are worse off than we are. It’s still horrible though. I’m the least affected, but it’s all relative. Anyway, the upshot is that there has been very little trading going on here this week.
We might not have been infected by a Chinese virus, but I did manage to get a nice little trade in on a Chinese stock on Wednesday:
Continue reading “Trading While Sick”A Quick Morning’s Work
Okay, I couldn’t resist posting this one. It’s a four-figure winner on AIG, sorry.
Continue reading “A Quick Morning’s Work”Missing Two Bites of The Cherry
I didn’t start this week until late as I took an extra-long weekend. Such is the joy of not working for the man. Wednesday appears to have been a good day to get back in front of the screen though, because it offered up this nice two-biter from TAP:
Continue reading “Missing Two Bites of The Cherry”The Bigger End of Small
To end the week, having more or less stuck to my goal of posting smaller winners, here’s one on the bigger end of the small side, if that makes sense. It’s not a four-figure banger, but it was a decent-sized regular winner.
Continue reading “The Bigger End of Small”Wrestling Profits From The Stock Market
I’m keeping up my efforts to post smaller wins this week, but there was a banger of a winner that I want to share here too.
First off, here’s the smaller one. It was on our old friend GILD:
Continue reading “Wrestling Profits From The Stock Market”One Heck of An Aftershock
Yesterday I said I’d be keeping an eye on ZM, looking for aftershocks. Anyone who watched the stock wouldn’t have been disappointed — the aftershock was as big as yesterday’s move.
Continue reading “One Heck of An Aftershock”A Tale of Two Trades
In keeping with the last few posts, let’s start with a smaller win. And then we’ll see a much bigger one, because it was there for the taking and it would be rude not to.
Here’s the chart for GILD, which as we can see, started out badly:
Continue reading “A Tale of Two Trades”