A quick heads up for you: Brain Hacks For Traders — my book about “head stuff”, and what really separates the winners from the losers in trading — is now available as an audiobook. You can get it here at the Google Play store, and here at Kobo.
If you’re not familiar with the book, here’s a quick reminder of just some of what’s inside:
- How to make your trading stress-free by subverting your fear-engine.
- Ingenious brain hacks to boost your performance and profit by commandeering your inbuilt cognitive biases and heuristics.
- How to harness the awesome power of addiction and have it improve every single trade you take.
- A simple but smart tactic that will trick your mind into revealing what’s really on a chart.
- What a racing driver’s pants can teach us about human fallibility, and how that same weakness can become our saviour.
- How to slay the monsters that haunt every trader, and build an impenetrable shield against self-doubt.
- The one document every trader needs to improve their entry selection exponentially.
- What cheat-heuristics are, why they’re good for you, and how to use them ethically.
- How trading less can mean you make more money.
- Five different ways to beat the boredom and keep yourself focussed. You can’t profit from a trade you missed, so make sure you don’t miss any.
I’m very proud of this book, and I’ve had some lovely emails from readers who’ve told me that it’s not just helped them in their trading, but in other areas of their life, too.
Here’s what one reviewer had to say about just one of the brain hacks in the book:
’One of the most valuable skills I learned was the “Golden Ticket”. I’ll carry that with me the rest of my trading journey, as it has proven to make me profitable with SOOO MUCH less stress.’
Brain Hacks For Traders is available from all good bookstores in regular old print and ebook formats as well as the new audiobook version.