When you truly understand how currencies work, you can profit from forex in any market conditions. This book explains money in a way that's simple to grasp.
And easy to learn. Harvey Walsh has a reputation for teaching trading in a way that's fun and accessible. You don't need to be a math graduate to understand this book.
This isn't just about theory. The book includes a number of tried and tested strategies you can use right now. Just open a forex account and start trading.
If you want to make some serious cash, you'll want to make your own custom strategy designed around your personal strengths. Harvey explains how to adapt those included, or even make your own.
Any time you trade, your subconscious mind tries to sabotage your efforts. The psychology section explains why, and more importantly, how you can turn things around so your brain works for you not against you.
Like all of Harvey's books, you can read How To Day Trade Forex For Profit on any Windows PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Android device, as well as any dedicated ereader. Oh, and it's available as a good old fashioned paperback, too!
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